Monday, October 17, 2011

So, where exactly am I??


As shown in the map of Europe above you can see that Spain is located in the Southwestern corner of the continent. The eastern coast is lined with beautiful beaches leading into the Mediterranean Sea while the Southern tip leads into Africa. On the Northeast corner lies the border to France and over on the East you can find Portugal. Now to give you an idea of exactly where I live in this vast country......

I'm that little red dot. As you guys know, I traveled this last week up to Barcelona, over to Venice and 
down to Rome. One thing is for sure, I definitely didn't realize how much a few inches on a map affects the climate! Traveling North and away from the Mediterranean to Venice was quite chilly. I had to buy a scarf just to keep warm durring the day. Down in Rome the weather was a bit warmer but it got very brisk once the sun went down. I was very happy to return to sporting a t-shirt when I stepped off the plane in Alicante. While Alicante is warm and humid, it hardly ever rains. When I flew into Alicante the first time I was surprised to look out my window. I couldn't see a single green speck. Coming from Portland I think I take the lush green environment for granted. Besides the few leaves of a palm tree you won't find much green here. You will find a lot of sand and dust though. 

You will also find a lot of people. Alicante is home to 334,418. Thats 4,303.4 people per square mile. This is pretty similar to Portland. One thing I found interesting about Alicante is that nobody lives in a house. Everyone lives in apartments. Some are small and some take up entire floors of buildings. They come in all shapes and sizes. There are two very distinct styles of housing in Alicante. The old and the new. This is my favorite "street" en el barrio antiguo...

And this is the main street in the city's center where a lot of other apartments are....

Another difference between Spanish families and American ones is that in Spain you live with your family until you get married and sometimes even later. This means that one apartment could be filled with many generations. But still, they don't find a need for a backyard. 

As Oregonians, we may not realize how much our beautiful city's backyard affects the way we spend 
our time. I know that I personally love going hiking, taking a bike ride, or finding a river or lake to go to if its nice. I asked if there where any good hiking trails around Alicante and a few people laughed at me. One thing I love about hiking is enjoying the wonderful scenery. In Alicante, to hike a mountain would be similar to hiking a big blank rock covered in dust. Not as cool. So I've had to cater my activities to the geographical environment here. This means....I am in the Sea all the time. There is so much to do! So far I've been kayaking, snorkeling, boogie boarding, surfing, and paddle boarding. I love it! I have found that the waves of the Sea and the warmth of the sun have replaced my need for fresh air, rushing rivers, and greenery. This has become a new oasis...

 This is the San Juan beach. Its about 20 minutes away from Alicante but the surf is much better! 

How do you think the geography in Portland affect our lifestyles? How does it differ from Alicante?


  1. Jordan,
    I realize that yes, the geography does affect me and my family. My dad and mom both ride their bikes to work everyday. I also ride my bike sometimes, but definitely not as much.

  2. I think geography affects how I live because I ride my bike allot and when I go to the beach I like to hike around. Geography also affects how much rain we get, so geography does affect my life everyday. Are the beaches in Alicate tropical?
    - Elizabeth

  3. Mira bonita, pero los playas se mira muy divertido, Yo megusta a surf y boogie board es muy divertido

  4. I also love hiking! I love all the beautiful views! They are very amazing, and i love all the beautiful nature. Sounds like your having an awesome time there! I'm super jelouse!

  5. Geography changes my life style because i ride my bike to school almost everyday, and so does my dad. It helps us stay in shape, and also enjoy the beautiful nature.

  6. Dear Jordan,
    I, too, often take Portland's greenery for granted. When I visit my cousins who live on the east coast, after a day or two, I begin to miss the green Evergreen trees of Oregon and the almost constant rain.
    Your favorite "street" is beautiful and can really give me a feel for what Alicante looks like. It's strange to think that people there don't have backyards when tons of people in Oregon do.
    I hope you're having fun.

    Estimado Jordan,
    Yo, también, a menudo tomo la verde de Portland por sentado. Cuando visito a mis primos que viven en la costa este, después de un día o dos, empiezo a extrañar los árboles Evergreen de Oregon y la lluvia casi constante.
    Su favorito "calle" es hermosa y puede darme una idea de lo que parece Alicante. Es extraño pensar que la gente allí no tienen patios, cuando un montón de gente en Oregon si tienen.
    Espero que te estás divirtiendo.


  8. Dear Jordan,
    Your favorite "street" looks very pretty and it has so many beautiful flowers and plants. I always loved how green Portland was, i also love all the rain. I've come to love everything about Portland and whenever I'm not there I get homesick and I want to go back. I think everyone living in apartments would be weird, because you would always have a neighbor above or below you. It all sounds wonderful.

    Did you mean: Dear Jordan, All the pictures look gorgeous. I wish I could be there with you because it all looks so fun and beautiful.
    Type text or a website address or translate a document.
    English to Spanish translation
    Estimado Jordan,
    Su favorito "calle" se ve muy bonito y tiene unas flores tan hermosas y las plantas. Siempre me ha gustado lo verde que Portland era, también me encanta toda la lluvia. He llegado a amar a todo lo relacionado con Portland y cuando no estoy allí tengo nostalgia y quiero volver. Creo que todos los que viven en apartamentos sería raro, porque siempre habría un vecino por encima o por debajo de usted. Todo esto suena maravilloso.

  9. Those street's are beautiful. It would be so interesting to experience that life style. Im sure you are having the time of your life while you are there. Have you been inside of an apartment? If so, What do they look like?

    Los de la calle son hermosas. Sería muy interesante la experiencia que el estilo de vida. Estoy seguro de que son el mejor momento de su vida mientras esté allí. ¿Ha estado en el interior de un apartamento? Si es así, ¿Qué aspecto tienen?


  10. Hi Jordan y especaly like these pictures and hopefuly ur having fun
