Thursday, November 10, 2011

mmmm... Tapas

You guys already know that I'm taking a cooking class right now but I am proud to say that I am not a complete disaster in the kitchen anymore! Last night I succesfully cooked a tapas dinner for my family using what I learned in class. I NEVER thought I would be able to pull it off but its not as hard as it seems. I thought I would share a few recipes with you guys so you can try it out at home!

Pincho de Tortilla de Patatas!

2 patatas grandes picadas
1 cebolla picada
4 huevos
aceite de oliva
Pan en rodajas y tomate cherry para decorar

Cocer la patata y la cebolla en el aceite, hasta que estén tiernas. EScurrirlas bien del aceite, mezclar con los huevos batidos y formar la tortilla. Cortarla en cuadritos y pincharla con un tamatito!

Calamares Fritos

Anillas de calamar
Aceite de oliva

Poner la sal a los calamares, pasarlos por la harina, quitar el execeso de harina y freírolos en abundante aceite. Escurrir sobre papel y servir con un trozo de limón. 

Buen provecho!!


  1. Jordan,
    All of those things look wonderful! I dont eat seafood (along with turkey, beef, pork, veal, venison, etc. The only meat I eat is chicken) but I used to, and it looks great! I would love to make those! See ya!

  2. wow it seems you've become a chef! I would love to try one of your recipes but I'm not much of a cook. Los calamares frios se ven deliciosos pero no puedo comer el trigo.un día lo cocinaré para mi hermano y mi papí

  3. Hey Jordan,
    All of the foods look so good! It is making me hungry just looking at it! I'm going to try to make it sometime.

  4. Wow everything looks so yummy.Everything looks so delicious. I think your becoming a pro at cooking all these wonderful foods.

  5. that looks reallyyy good


  6. These two recipes look delicious! I can't wait to try them out at home.

    Estas dos recetas tienen un aspecto delicioso! No puedo esperar para probarlas en casa.

  7. food is AWESOME! My dad makes good tapas and he likes to show of that he can by making it every sunday.


  8. Mmmmmmm that food looks delicious and I wish I could have some I hope your having fun.
